May 2, 2024

From Pipelines to People: Making Tech Recruitment Truly Personal

In recruitment, we often talk about numbers. How many candidates we've reached out to, how many interviews we've scheduled. But in the middle of all these stats, one thing is clear: having a long list of candidates is just the beginning.

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In recruitment, we often talk about numbers. How many candidates we've reached out to, how many interviews we've scheduled. But in the middle of all these stats, one thing is clear: having a long list of candidates is just the beginning. it's not just about finding people. It’s about keeping them interested and making them feel valued. Building real, two-way relationships with them.

From my time working in tech recruitment, here's what I've realized:

it's not just about how many people we talk to, but how deeply we connect with them.

Why It's Important to Keep Candidates Close: As recruiters or hiring managers, we need to understand that for the candidate, getting a new job isn’t just a box to tick; it’s a big life moment. Because changing jobs? It's more than just a new title or office. It's a big decision. And here’s where we can truly make a difference, we need to be there for them, every step of the way.

Some Simple Tips to Keep Candidates Engaged:

  1. Open Communication Channels: Ensure they have a direct line to ask questions, share concerns, or get clarifications about the process. Be honest about the job role, its challenges, and its rewards. This sets the right expectations and fosters trust.
  2. Active Listening: This isn’t just about hearing their words but genuinely understanding their context. When a candidate shares their experience, it provides a window into their professional life. So, lend an attentive ear, ask thoughtful questions, and dive into their story.
  3. Anticipate Their Needs: Before they even ask, offer insights into the next steps, what they can expect, or how they can prepare. Each stage of the recruitment process can be daunting. Offer them tips, prep them for interviews, and provide resources that can help them navigate each phase smoothly.
  4. Feedback Matters: Always offer constructive feedback, even if they're not the right fit for the role. This shows that you value them beyond the immediate requirement and genuinely care about their growth.
  5. Frequent Check-ins: A simple message or call can go a long way. Ask them how they’re feeling about the process or if they have any concerns. Keeping the lines of communication open is key, It shows candidates that they're on your radar and that you care about their experience.
Making It Personal Makes a Difference ✨✨

When people feel we really care, they’re more committed. They feel seen and heard. And guess what? That makes them feel good about the whole process – and about us.

In conclusion, finding the right person for a job is more than just ticking boxes. It's about making sure they feel supported and valued from start to finish. As we go about our work, let's remember this: every person we talk to has their own story. And our job? To make them feel like the hero of that story.

Let’s make recruitment about real people, not just numbers. 🚀